Saturday 1 October 2011

No weblog update lately

There is much happening off-line…
Including big changes within our office structure
More to come!

Monday 4 April 2011

BNO talks - Green Targets - 21 april 2011

The BNO ( Association of Dutch Designers), has invited LSDP as one of the guest speakers of the evening. The central theme is 'Setting Sustainability Targets' within a design agency.  

During our presentation we will talk about the project  'Desycling de Regenboog Groep", its integrated strategy and how we implemented it taking into account all aspects of sustainability at a local scale. You can  read more about this project here.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Happy 2011!

Inspiring low-tech high performance intervention by Volkswagen Italy.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Desycled Products in Japan

                     Bakkera Notebooks desycled from flour paper sacks.  

A line of desycled products designed by LSDP will be sold in the Museum of contemporary Art in Tokyo.

These products are part of the desycle strategy which LSDP has developed and implemented since 2008 for "Stichting the Regenboog" ( foundation that looks after the needs of homeless and drug addicts in the city of Amsterdam

Japanese artist Tomoko Take participates amongst other 4 artists on the exhibition " Catalysis for Life -New language of Dutch art and design'" For this exhibition she has selected a couple of desycled products produced in the desycle workshop of the foundation as possible products to become part of her next project "Homeless Design" where she will collect "homeless" related products to create a collective platform of "homeless design products".

We are very enthusiastic that Desycling the Regenboog crosses boarders and we hope that more artists and designers become inspired by it in Japan.

Visit the weblog of Desycling the Regenboog Project (in Dutch):

Tuesday 14 September 2010

A Desycle Lab in Amsterdam

The Desycle Stichting is preparing the set up of the Desycle Lab in Amsterdam. LSDP their team and desycling coaches are researching where the best spot is for the Desycle Lab to land in the city. Don't miss our next posts where we will inform you about upcoming desycling projects, activities and products.

To find out more about Desycling visit:

Monday 2 August 2010

Practical sustainability - Sustainable practicality

                                                                                                 Picture: Netta Tauber 

LSDP and Stichting Desycle have invited other organizations and companies to partnership in the development of an innovative project for 2011/2012. We cannot tell a lot about it at the moment, except that it involves a lot of great ideas, designing, producing, exhibiting, sharing and a very nice publication!

We will keep you posted.

More to come!

Tuesday 20 July 2010

LSDP in Mexico City

Guia Mexicana de Diseno ( and Universidad la Salle ( in Mexico City invited LSDP to give a workshop for young designers about social design. Because we like to be hands on and put our knowledge into practice, we set up 8 designers together with an organization which takes care of girls living on the streets of Mexico city “Yolia” ( to work together intensely during three days, to co-create new rewarding activities for the girls. These activities will help them learn new skills and acquire new responsibilities which will stimulate them to invest more time in their personal development. After the 3 day workshop we left a group of designers and an organization who are willing to work together to make this project happen. LSDP will assess them through the process.

3 days of intense hard work

Project Presentations

Evaluation with the directors

Workshop closing with songs inspired in the girls live's

The goal for the girls involved in this project