Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Desycled Products in Japan

                     Bakkera Notebooks desycled from flour paper sacks.  

A line of desycled products designed by LSDP will be sold in the Museum of contemporary Art in Tokyo.

These products are part of the desycle strategy which LSDP has developed and implemented since 2008 for "Stichting the Regenboog" ( foundation that looks after the needs of homeless and drug addicts in the city of Amsterdam

Japanese artist Tomoko Take participates amongst other 4 artists on the exhibition " Catalysis for Life -New language of Dutch art and design'" For this exhibition she has selected a couple of desycled products produced in the desycle workshop of the foundation as possible products to become part of her next project "Homeless Design" where she will collect "homeless" related products to create a collective platform of "homeless design products".

We are very enthusiastic that Desycling the Regenboog crosses boarders and we hope that more artists and designers become inspired by it in Japan.

Visit the weblog of Desycling the Regenboog Project (in Dutch):